Have a question about registration or licensing? Or perhaps you’re looking for more information on travel and reimbursements? As a resident at UBC, there’s a lot to know.
That’s why we’ve created a single page including all PGME policies and procedures, which is designed to guide and protect you, the Faculty of Medicine, and the University in the conduct of day-to-day business.
The policies included on this page are derived from a variety of organizational groups and regulatory bodies.
Please note that updates to Policies and Procedures may occur throughout the year. The most current version of each policy can always be found on this site.
Mistreatment and Educational Environment
Dr. Henry Broekhuyse is the PGME Faculty Lead for the Educational Environment. Although multiple policies and portals of entry for concerns currently exist, PGME feels that it is important to have a dedicated faculty who is in a non-evaluative role available for our learners. Any concerns regarding mistreatment or learning environment can be confidentially discussed with Dr. Broekhuyse who is in a position to support and advise on next steps (if any). Dr. Broekhuyse can be reached at: Pgme.educational.environment@ubc.ca
- PGME Trainee Mistreatment and Learning Environment Reporting Process
- Professional Standards for Faculty Members and Learners’ in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry
- Policy and Processes to address unprofessional behaviour (including harassment, intimidation) in the Faculty of Medicine
- UBC Policy # 3 - Discrimination and Harassment
- UBC Policy # SC17 - Sexual Misconduct and Sexualized Violence Policy
- UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff
- CMA Code of Ethics and Professionalism
- CMA Guidelines for Physicians for Interaction with Industry
- UBC Policy # SC3 - Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment
General Policies
- Policy 000 - PGME Policy on Policies (updated Apr.11 2023)
- Policy 001 - Postgraduate Trainee Supervision Policy (updated Jan. 23 2025)
- Policy 002 - Prescribing in Postgraduate Training Programs (updated June 11, 2024)
- Policy 003 - Resident Education Abroad Policy and Agreement
- Policy 004 - Resident Clinical Associates (updated June 11, 2024)
- Policy 005 - Resident Records Policy (updated Sept. 6, 2022)
- Policy 005 Appendix - Records Management Best Practices
Residents As Teachers
Health, Safety and Wellness
- Policy 009 - PGME Wellness (updated Nov 20, 2024)
- Policy 010a i - Resident Health and Safety (updated Jan. 22, 2025)
- Policy 010a ii -AFC Fellow Health and Safety (updated Jan. 22 2025)
- Policy 010b - Postgraduate Trainee Extraordinary Event Guideline (updated Apr.11, 2023)
- Policy 010c - Blood Borne Virus Policy (updated Sept. 6, 2022)
- Policy 010d - Fatigue Risk Management Policy (updated Nov 20, 2024)
- Fatigue Risk Management Guideline
- Cannabis Legalization and Usage
Program Leave, Accommodations and Absence
REMINDER: Please email Sarin Amram the details of a resident’s leave (start date, end date [if known], and the type of leave [medical, maternity, compassionate, etc.]) as soon as they are known in order to ensure a smooth transition through a resident’s leave of absence.
Failure to pass along these details can cause delays in receiving some benefits, and in extreme cases can lead to a clawback of salary.
Courses and Curriculum
Travel and Reimbursement
For reimbursement of expenses resulting from mandatory rural rotations, academic half-days, community rotations, or course fees, residents must complete and submit the reimbursement form available on the PGME website here.
- Policy 015 - Housing Accommodation for Mandated Rotations Policy
- Policy 016a - Resident Mandated Travel and Reimbursement Policy
- Policy 016b - Resident Mandated Rural Outreach Rotations Travel & Reimbursement Policy
- Policy 017 - Reimbursement Policy for Rotations Requiring Extended Commutes
- Policy 018 - Geographically Distributed Travel and Reimbursement Policy
Appointments and Promotions
Assessment, Evaluation, Remediation, Probation and Appeals
Resident Transfers
Forms for Residents
Forms & Guidelines for PGME Faculty and Staff
- Credit Request for Previous Residency Training (updated June 2022)
- Application for Waiver of Training After a Leave of Absence from Residency (PDF Version)
- Application for Waiver of Training After a Leave of Absence from Residency (Word Version)
- Resident Remediation Letter and Outcome Form
- Resident Probation Letter and Outcome Form
- Notification of Part-Time Residency Training
- Resident Activity Fund expenditure guideline (updated Mar. 28, 2022)