TIP: Events

Transition into Practice Evening Seminar Series (September 2024 - May 2025)

UBC Transition into Practice program Seminar Series:

  • Tuesday (and some Wednesday) evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, a wide range of non-medical topics
  • Residents of all levels and programs are welcome to attend via Zoom
  • Registration is required. Repeat attendance is welcomed.

Due to proprietary reasons and continuous updates, these sessions are not recorded.

  • The TIP sessions are designed to provide a safe environment for presenting information, asking questions and sharing personal experience among colleagues. The content is intended for the professional development of a medical audience. It is not intended as public communication.
  • Any reproduction of the session or provided materials in part or full requires the explicit approval of UBC PGME TIP.
  • The use of any type of recording and/or AI technology/tool is strictly prohibited.

UBC Transition into Practice offers Academic Half Days each year in the Fall and Spring

    • The content includes the core curriculum and is refreshed annually.


September 10, 2024

Money Management Foundations
Speaker:  Alphil Guilaran
Organization:  Financial Literacy Counsel

As you approach the completion of residency training, financial planning, incorporation and getting physician centric financial advice become top of mind.

This session will focus on foundational money management principles to improve your financial decision-making abilities as a new to practice doctor.

Learning objectives include:

      1. Determining how financial planning is different for doctors
      2. Building your advisory team (financial planner, accountant, lawyer & banker)
      3. Strategies to manage cashflow, pay off debt and invest wisely
      4. Understanding the costs, benefits, and drawbacks of incorporation


September 24, 2024

DoBC Negotiated Benefits/Insurance Planning
Speaker: Tu-Anh Lemckert
Organization:  Doctors of BC

The session will be an overview of BC government paid benefits available to all MSP billing physicians (including service contract, sessional, and fee-for-service).  Benefits include CRPSP, CME, CMPA, REAP, PDI.  Discusses how to access or apply for these valuable benefits.

Insurance Planning will discuss a general overview of personal insurance; how to prioritize personal insurance depending on practice type and/or family situation. Review of Disability Insurance in particular and its importance in a physician’s career.


October 15, 2024

How to streamline referrals:  Tips on using PathwaysBC.ca
Speaker: Dr. Tracy Monk
Organization: UBC

A guided tour to Pathways’ online directory.  Learn how to streamline referrals, process specialist/specialty clinic info (e.g., current wait times, sub-expertise, pre-consultation blood work, and imaging requirements) and search patient and physician resources.


October 16, 2024 (Wednesday)

Is this clinic a good fit?
Speaker: Richard Wang
Organization: Elicare, Inc.
Summary:  An overview of where to look, what to look for, and how to set-up your clinic.  How to navigate your contract and consider different payment models.


October 23, 2024 (Wednesday)

Towards debt freedom in residency
Speaker: Alphil Guilaran & Jacob Chang
Organization: Financial Literacy Counsel

Using a resident case study, this session will help learners navigate loan forgiveness programs, cash flow, and spending planning to repay debt sooner. This session will also explore the difference between good and bad debt when it comes to Physicians reaching their lifestyle and financial goals.


November 5, 2024

Show me the money:  The Business behind Medical Clinics
Speakers:  Tessa MacDougall & Omid Toub
Organization:  Hive Business Solutions Inc.

This session is to explore the business side of community clinics, how they operate, and how operations impact provide experience.  The session is meant to arm physicians with the understanding of what happens behind the scenes at their future place of practice, to increase transparency and knowledge of the business side of medicine.


November 12, 2024

HR Success: How to think like a boss!
Speaker: Sandra Reder
Organization: HealthBridge HR
Transitioning into a busy practice is often a major adjustment for many post graduates.  In this session, we will look at the following topics and HR best practices that will assist you with the next phase in your career.

  • Appropriate workplace conduct and professional boundaries
  • Respectful workplaces/anti-bullying and harassment
  • Managing staff; having difficult conversations
  • Dealing with performance related issues
  • Employment laws and how they impact the workplace


November 25, 2024 (Monday)

How to get paid as a doctor:  Understanding your payment options & financial considerations
Speakers: Lana Korch, Executive Director Physician Engagement & Contracts, Fraser Health Authority, and Alphil Guilaran, Executive Director, Financial Literacy Counsel
Organization: Financial Literacy Counsel Inc.

This session will introduce learners to the various compensation models available to doctors as well as the financial and tax planning considerations associated with them. You will walk away from this session with a deeper understanding of salary contracts, service contracts, and how to develop new to practice money management skills as you transition to practice


December 3, 2024

Transition into Practice Academic Half Day (TIP AHD)
Speakers:  Various
Organizations:  Various

This multi-program academic half day will cover core topics on financial literacy & building your advisory team, tax planning, insurance planning & a guided tour of the Pathways Referral program.


December 4, 2024

Transition into Practice Academic Half Day (TIP AHD)
Speakers:  Various
Organizations:  Various

This multi-program academic half day will cover core topics on financial literary & building your advisory team, tax planning, insurance planning and MSP Fees, billing & audit.


December 10, 2024

Understanding the Agreements and Contractual Terms Relevant for Newly Practicing Physicians
Speaker: Dr. Robert Russo
Organization: UBC Peter A. Allard School of Law

The session will provide a general introduction to contracts and contractual terms relevant to new physicians.  Residents ideally should have a good understanding and ability to carefully consider the terms of a contract, which help them make informed decisions about the legal risks and benefits before signing.  The focus of this session will be on the terms of contracts using the examples of different types of locum contracts and other contractual agreements.  We will also touch on agreements relating to cost-sharing and release of information agreement terms.  The session will review how to understand contractual terms using the examples of contractual rights and limitations, indemnification, liability, and confidentiality clauses and other clauses relevant to new physicians in practice.


December 17, 2024

Business Planning for Physicians
Speaker: Ashley Buswell, Darla MacIver & Tania Webb
Organization: Doctors of BC Physician Business Services
Summary:  Starting a clinic can get complicated – planning, managing your staff, preparing for unexpected issues, and making complex business decisions can become an overwhelming addition to providing patient care.  This session will include an overview of:

  • Overview of the Doctors of BC Physician Business Services program
  • Setting up your practice
  • Agreements
  • Workplace requirements
  • Business toolkits
    • Emergency Preparedness & Contingency Planning
    • HR Toolkit
    • Business Planning Toolkit


January 7, 2025

Tax Planning and practical tips
Speaker: Don Nicholson, CPA, CA, FEA
Organization: Grant Thornton LLP

Early tax planning and optimization for end of residency.  Includes common expenses deductible post residency and tax credits, examples of allowable deductions for self-employed and incorporated doctors as well as things not to deduct.  Also covers when and how you should expect to pay income taxes or corporate taxes and why you might or might not want to incorporate.


January 21, 2025

Don’t be a maverick:  How to invest for long term success!
Speaker:  Dr. Yan Yu, Family Physician
Organization:  University of Calgary

Now that you’ve learned about different accounts through which to invest, it’s time to find out what you can put in them!  This talk is a practical guide of the different type of assets once can invest in, how they are similar and how they differ, explained in plain English, with a specific focus on stocks and bonds.


January 28, 2025

“Are there any jobs out there?” Help for Specialty Residents
Speaker: Dr. Nicole Todd
Organization: UBC

Worried about your career prospects? Join this talk where we discuss the results of the RDBC and Royal College Reports on New Grad Employment, formulate a job seeking strategy and prepare a job application, and discuss strategies to maintain and increase skills in a challenging job market.


February 4, 2025

Family Medicine Job Landscape 1.0: “What practice opportunities are available when you’re done residency?”
Speaker: Dr. Cathy Clelland
Organization: UBC

Have you thought about what you are going to do when you finish residency? Will you work as a locum? Do you want to do longitudinal practice? How about working in an Urgent & Primary Care Clinic? How do you want to be compensated? Are you aware of the different payment models? What about the incentive to work in a rural community? Where do you even start? Dr. Cathy Clelland will review each of these points so you can make an informed decision about starting your independent professional journey.


February 11, 2025

Rural Education Action Plan (REAP) Updates: Support for all UBC Residents including those transitioning to rural practice!
Speaker: Dr. John Pawlovich and RCCBC Team
Organization: REAP, RCCBC, UBC CPD

BC is expanding its robust support system for physicians in rural practice. Come and meet the Rural Coordination Centre of BC team and learn how the REAP programs are structured. Key details about rapid access services will be provided with Q& A to follow.

February 18, 2025

Licensing, MSP Enrolment, HA Credentialing & UBC Appointment
Speaker: Dr. Noa Mallek
Organizations: UBC

Review the process of applying for a BC College license, the steps to enroll in MSP, and the centralized credentialing system for BC hospital privileges and applying for an academic appointment at UBC.


February 25, 2025

New to Practice Contracts for Family Physicians
Speaker: Kaoru (Kay) McGregor
Organization: Doctors of BC

This session will provide an overview of the New to Practice Family Physician Contract available to family physicians who do not have an established practice with their own panel and are interested in providing community longitudinal family practice services. The session will also provide information on how to access these contracts and the Doctors of BC supports available to family physicians.


March 11, 2025

Parental Leave: When is the most opportune time?
Speaker: Dr. Noa Mallek, Sarin Amram, Brandi McLean and Karen Cullen
Organizations: PGME, RDBC, DoBC

Summary:  Join us for an information-packed session comparing parental leave during residency versus professional practice. Our speakers from PGME, RDBC, Doctors of BC will detail key financial considerations and benefits. We will touch on available supports and highlight information from VCH and the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons.


March 18,2025

Don’t be a maverick 2.0:  Taxation and Incorporation
Speaker: Yan Yu, MD
Organization: UBC/UofC
Summary: You’ve heard about taxes and corporations from a finance person, and an accountant.  Now learn it from the perspective of a fellow physician, using simple language and back to basic concepts.

May 1, 2025

Transition into Practice Academic Half Day (TIP AHD)
Speakers: Various
Organization: Various

This multi-program academic half day will present core topics on financial literacy, debt management, incorporation, CMPA (AI & social media), Pathways program, etc.

May 2, 2025

Transition into Practice Academic Half Day (TIP AHD)
Speakers: Various
Organizations: Various

This multi-program academic half day will present core topics on financial literacy, debt management, investment, insurance planning, licensing, enrollment & credentialing in BC, etc.

CMPA Patient Safety Primer Workshop

We are pleased to announce the 2024-2025 schedule for the CMPA Patient Safety Primer: medico-legal essentials for residents. This 2.5-hour interactive, virtual workshop provides high quality medico-legal education for first year Family Medicine and second year Royal College residents. The workshop meets specific medico-legal accreditation standards and will help residents attain key competencies in CanMEDS and CanMEDS-FM roles.

About the workshop

Residents will explore cases facilitated by CMPA physician advisors and will identify practical strategies to mitigate medico-legal risk and improve patient safety through:

  • Electronic learning activities to be completed before the workshop
  • Interactive, practical exercises and large group discussion
  • A dedicated Q&A session with legal counsel and a CMPA physician advisor
  • Topics covered: documentation, informed consent, disclosure of a patient safety incident (accident in Québec), and teamwork.


Registration for this online workshop will be open to first year Family Medicine and second year Royal College residents across Canada, with the option to register for a workshop on a date and time that is most convenient to their schedule. SPACE IS LIMITED, so residents are encouraged to register for their preferred workshop as soon as possible.

What you need to know:

    • Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 academic year.
    • Each workshop has a maximum capacity of 170 residents.
    • Residents will need to complete about 1 hour of pre-work. We will send out an email one week before the session with all required materials.
    • The live workshop will be hosted via Zoom
    • Subject matter is targeted to PGY1 Family Medicine and PGY2 Royal College residents


After completing the pre-work and participating in the workshop, residents will receive a Certificate of Participation.

What residents are saying:

I appreciated the level of interaction the workshop allowed for participants. The presenters’ enthusiasm also helped to make topics interesting! I would highly recommend this workshop to my fellow peers and those who need a refresher.” – University of Manitoba Resident (2024)

“The speakers were very passionate and engaging. The material was very relevant and geared towards residents.” – University of Ottawa Resident (2024)

“I liked hearing the thoughts, perspectives, and approaches of other residents.  I took away quite a few strategies from them that I have not seen before but will be great to add to my practice.” – University of Alberta resident (2022)

Learn more about Patient Safety Primer: medico-legal essentials for residents

Please contact residents@cmpa.org if you require any additional information.

Doctors of BC Business Pathways Event

Stay tuned for updates.

Resident Doctors of BC Event

Stay tuned for updates.