SIN Number Collection
PHSA will contact new residents to UBC by email prior to registration requesting your Social Insurance Number (SIN) to generate the necessary hiring forms. This email will come from Sreevidya Nallamuthu ( and will be sent to the email address that you provided in your CaRMS application.
You must provide the requested information to PHSA by March 19, 2025. Any questions or concerns regarding the collection of SIN or documentation required should be directed to Sreevidya Nallamuthu at PHSA by email or phone.
New Hire Packages
You can anticipate receiving your new hire package by April 24, 2025. It will be sent to the email address you used in your residency application. If you have not received your new hire package by April 25, 2025, please contact Sreevidya Nallamuthu at and indicate in the subject ‘New Resident – Last Name, First Name’. Packages will not be sent out in advance.
Do not contact PHSA prior to the date specified. To ensure your employment record is created on time, complete and return all PHSA Payroll and Benefits forms included in the new hire package before May 14, 2025. This includes direct deposit authorization, extended health benefit registration as well as tax forms.
Returning your direct deposit authorization/tax forms promptly will ensure that PHSA are able to set up your direct deposit information in their system. Any delays in receiving this will result in a manual cheque being mailed to your home address on file. Please note if your home address has changed recently, you will need to contact PHSA Employee Records and Benefits at