Online Training Requirements

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Learning Hub

All residents are required to complete the following online course modules through the Learning Hub prior to starting residency training. Once you have completed each of these courses, forward a copy of your results to your program for their records.

If you encounter any issues, please refer to contact information listed on each course for support.

Student Practice Education Core Orientation (SPECO)

All residents must complete the Student Practice Education Core Orientation (SPECO) prior to their program start date. SPECO and other student orientation materials can be referenced with the SPECO Checklist.

Occupational Health & Safety and Violence Prevention

All residents must complete the Resident Doctors OHS/Violence Prevention Training. This curriculum consists of mandatory health and safety courses (including violence prevention training) that was developed in partnership with all health authorities and Residents Doctors of BC, specifically for incoming medical residents.

This training consists of two parts. In addition to the online course through the Learning Hub, all residents must also attend a virtual half-day orientation with multiple dates in mid to late June for residents to choose from. Registration instructions will be provided by VCH closer to the orientation date.

Note: you may also have to complete specific trainings for your health authority.