Occupational Health & Safety

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N95 Mask Fit Testing 

Please ensure you are fit tested for a make and model that is located at the site you will be working. All major facilities provide mask fit testing; please inquire when you arrive. 

Blood and Body Fluid Exposures 

If you have an exposure to blood or a body fluid (BBFE) please notify the manager/supervisor of the unit where you are working so that the correct process can be implemented at that site-including being seen in the closest Emergency Department (ED) within two hours of the BBFE. You will need to contact the WHCC after being seen in ED to report the BBFE incident and to talk to the WHCC OHNs so that follow up serology can be provided and so that you will not be billed for the ED visit. 

Exposure to a Communicable Disease or Incident 

You will need to contact the WHCC (1-866-922-9464) if you have been exposed to any communicable disease or have had an incident at work. 

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WorkSafe BC Regulations 

All employees are responsible for ensuring that they have an orientation to Safety and Prevention protocols at their work site including: fire, first aid, violence prevention, infection control, and respect in the workplace. 

Occupational Health & Safety Orientation 

The Occupational Health & Safety orientation, provided by the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) will take place on June 13, 8am & 12:30pm; June 20, 8am & 12:30pm; June 23, 8am. All residents should attend one 4 hour virtual session. 

A memo will be circulated to all new incoming residents, with further details on how to register for this session.