Once you have an employee ID and have self reported your immunizations to the Provincial Workplace Health Contact Centre, you may be informed by the Occupational Health Nurse that you have outstanding immunizations. If so, you should book an immunization clinic.
Appointment Registration
Please book your appointment on the Jane App.
Residents within the lower mainland may book their appointment on the Jane App to attend clinics. Clinic appointments will start July 2, 2024, and booking will be open on June 3rd, 2024. If you are unable to do so, you may view the VCH employee Immunization Clinic schedule with your employee ID and a work email.
Please see the VCH Immunization Clinic Schedule.
If you are offsite sign into VCH using your userID\email and password i.e Domain\Username (ex. VCH\JSmith). You will require an employee ID prior to visiting VCH Immunization. Clinics
Residents (outside the lower mainland) who are not able to attend any clinics listed above may be eligible for reimbursement. Pre-approval is required.