Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) registration for the 2024-2025 academic year will begin on April 16, 2025 at 12PM and must be completed by May 1, 2025. In order to register you will need to set up your Campus-Wide Login (CWL), Multi-Factor Authentication and UBC email address.
Resident registration is mandatory; failure to complete registration in a timely manner will result in a delay of the commencement of your training program.
To complete RMS registration you need to:
- Login: When registration begins, you will receive an email with a unique link and login instructions to the online Resident Management System (RMS). Follow the link and login. (Note: for residents new to UBC, emails will be sent to the email address provided with your residency application).
- Update Contact Information: Both new and returning residents will be required to update their contact information annually in RMS during the registration period. All UBC residents need to use a UBC-issued email address when corresponding with the PGME Dean’s Office and Programs and while using the Resident Management System. Make sure your UBC email address is listed in RMS.
- Sign your letter of Offer: Residents who are new to UBC, or beginning a new program will be prompted to sign a Letter of Offer through RMS during registration. This must be completed before your training can begin.
Returning Residents
Returning residents must confirm their contact information annually in the Resident Management System (RMS) during the registration period. Please note that letters of offer are only issued and signed (electronically) through RMS at the start of a UBC residency training program.