Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS)

Providing training in quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) is an important consideration for all of our residency programs. This has been fortified by its specific inclusion in the new accreditation standards. PGME’s aim is to provide a foundational QIPS curriculum to supplement what already exists and for the curriculum to be integrated into each residency program as needed.

How To Access and Use The Curriculum


You can access the facilitation materials through this link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Zdbkrhkn2PJBlQ

Each topic includes a PowerPoint and facilitation guide

Programs have flexibility in how and whether they use the curriculum materials.
We suggest facilitating topics during academic half days or retreats at various times during the program.


You can access the Intro to PS Primer and QI Project Guide through the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety community in Entrada. To access the community, follow the two steps outlined below:

Step One: Log into Entrada using CWL

Step Two: Copy and paste the following link: https://entrada.med.ubc.ca/community/qips into the address bar. Press Enter on your keyboard.

For visual step-by-step instructions, click here.
Please Note: Entrada is not mobile friendly.

QIPS Curriculum


a. Introduction to Patient Safety Primer

An online primer is available for residents to complete prior to in-person sessions. Access is through Entrada

b. Synchronous Delivery Session Topics

  • Systems thinking and human factors
  • Safe and just culture
  • Responding to incidents


The Quality Improvement curriculum consists of an:

1) Introduction to Quality Improvement (Synchronous delivery)

Instructions: Click on the Quality Improvement Curriculum Package below to download the:
  • Quality Improvement Facilitator Guide
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Handout
The facilitation guide provides support for facilitators to lead and adapt the sessions for their own program. Facilitators should prepare by reviewing the curriculum materials, adding program-specific context where directed in the Facilitator Guide, and collecting materials required for the sessions (e.g. paper, pens, flipcharts, etc.)

2) Quality Improvement Project Guide

The Project Guide provides residents with a road map through quality improvement projects, along with resources to assist self-directed learning on the topic.



CanMEDS Resource Stewardship Curriculum Toolkit Series.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I include QIPS in my residency program?

Quality improvement and patient safety are increasingly being recognized as areas of importance in medicine. We have the responsibility to better prepare residents for safe practice and participation in health care systems improvement. The CanMEDS 2015 and CanMEDS-FM 2017 frameworks each specifically highlight QIPS as core competencies for all physicians. The CANRAC accreditation standards also highlight the need for training programs across Canada to ensure they are delivering high quality QIPS curriculum to all trainees.

How was the curriculum created?

The QIPS team consisting of Faculty Development, PGME, and led by Dr. Mia Remington conducted a needs assessment of programs to understand their gaps and needs in teaching QIPS. The team partnered with the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council (BCPSQC) and consulted with the QIPS Advisory Group and Resident Advisory Group. Content was drawn from multiple sources such as work by the BCPSQC, ASPIRE, and Teaching Quality Improvement in Residency Education by Dr. Roger Wong

I already teach QIPS in my program. Do I need to use this curriculum?

You are welcome to continue to use your own QIPS curriculum. These resources are for programs that need support or who are interested in supplementing their existing curriculum.

I don’t feel comfortable teaching the curriculum. Where can I get help?

The facilitation guide and PowerPoints provide guidance on how to facilitate the sessions.

The Office of Faculty Development can help you with tips on teaching small and large groups. Please email Faculty Development

Dr. Esther Lee, the QIPS lead faculty can answer your questions on the QIPS content.

For more information about QIPS, contact Dr. Esther Lee QIPS faculty lead
For help with Entrada, contact MedIT