Thank you for your contributions in the role of Program Director (PD) in the Postgraduate Medical Education program at the University of British Columbia. The Postgraduate Medical Education program at UBC uses a province-wide distributed delivery model with nearly 1400 residents engaged in training and contributing to enhancing service capacity. Currently, there are 76 residency programs of varying sizes, including Family Medicine and Enhanced Skills, Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine that are situated in the Lower Mainland, on Vancouver Island, the Interior, and Northern BC including rural and remote communities.
This is not a comprehensive guide to the PD role. It is a general guide addressing key topics and is not specialty specific. Many subjects that are not covered here are thoroughly covered on the PGME website. For specialty specific resources, please check your national or international specialty society, or the Royal College. Topics will be added to this guide as they become a priority.
This resource is divided into 6 sections:
Program and Site Directors Orientation Workshop
Provides videos of presentations from the Program Directors Orientation sessions held October 21, 2021, and November 25, 2021.
Outlines the Faculty of Medicine structure, provides relevant information on the role of Program Administrators, an Accreditation overview, and lists Financial Resources available to Residents.
Outlines available modules and resources to support faculty in their role as teachers.
Supporting Residents in Difficulty
A guide designed for Program Directors to support residents in difficulty. If you do not already have access to this file, you may be prompted to submit a request for access.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Outlines what CQI is and how to incorporate CQI in your program.
Outlines principles and best practices of curriculum planning, design and mapping, and strategies to create a curriculum map that links competencies and objectives with educational strategies and assessment tools.
Key Contacts in PGME
See the PGME Contacts page for information on who to contact on various topics.
Additional Resources & Support
How the PGME Office sends you information:
- PA/PD Newsletter: The newsletter will be emailed to you. You can also review previous issues.
- PGME Website
- Committee meetings: Attending committee meetings and reviewing minutes for updates
- PD Workshops: The PD workshop is held twice a year (typically in May and November) for all PDs and Program Administrators. Each workshop focuses on a priority topic. Examples of previous topics include accreditation, quality improvement and patient safety curriculum, and improving the learning environment. You will receive an email with the details. Please follow this link to be taken to a Teams folder hosting all of the Program Director Workshop PowerPoint presentations.
Other supports:
Read more
- For more information on PGME policies and procedures, information on competency based medical education, and faculty appointments, please visit the PGME faculty and staff page: PGME Faculty & Staff Page
- For a comprehensive Program Directors Handbook, click this link to download the Royal College Program Directors Handbook
- For additional teaching resources, visit the Office of Faculty Development & Educational Support website: Faculty Development
- For support with improving practice related knowledge, professional performance, and technical skills, please visit Continuing Professional Development