Updated: January 2023 (Entrada v.1.23.1)
Entrada Login
- This guide will introduce Program Directors to key features in the CBME module of Entrada.
- Program Directors do not need to set up EPA assessment forms, distribution, or provide resident
access to Entrada. PGME and Digital Solutions manage these tasks. - For questions regarding program-specific matters, such as EPA forms or dashboard settings, please contact the PGME office at entradacbme.support@ubc.ca
- If you encounter any access or technical issues, please contact Digital Solutions Entrada support.
Faculty access to Entrada
Faculty have two different options for using Entrada, depending on their appointment status.
For those with a Clinical Faculty appointment:
Most clinical faculty are automatically provided with Entrada access. If you do not have access, please make sure you have a CWL account. Once obtained, provide your CWL username and email address to your program assistant, who will submit an Entrada access request on your behalf.
For those who do not have a Clinical Faculty appointment:
Please contact your program assistant, who can provide you with an “external assessor” account in Entrada. Alternatively, when a resident triggers an EPA they can add your name and email address to immediately provide you with an “external assessor” account. With “external assessor” access you can receive EPAs via email, but will not have login access to the system.
Updating faculty email addresses:
Email addresses cannot be updated directly in Entrada because this profile information is sourced from Workday, the central records maintained by Human Resources. If faculty need to update their preferred email address in Entrada, they must make edits to their “Work (Primary)” email in Workday. Once updated, this information will automatically sync to Entrada. The Department HR Administrator should be able to assist with the update process. The PGME CBME team (entradacbme.support@ubc.ca) will also work with program administrators to provide them with resources and current information about Workday email updates.
Setting up Academic Advisor groups
Competency Committee member access to program dashboard
Program administrators are responsible for managing Competence Committee member access to program data, as well as requesting a permissions update for new program directors.
Competency Committee members have the ability to see all program resident dashboards and assessments. They can also approve EPAs and promote a resident to the next stage of training.
To add Competence Committee members:
- Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses and select your Program.
- Click on the Setup tab.
- Scroll down to the Course Contacts section and find the Competency Committee Members.
- Type into the search field to a add new committee member. When a name has been added it will appear below the search box.
- After you have added the required names, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Viewing a resident's CBME dashboard or assessments page
Program directors, administrators and Competence Committee members can access a learner’s CBME Dashboard for aggregate summaries of EPA completion data, as well as a learner’s Assessments page, which provides a list of individual EPA forms completed on the learner. For a more comprehensive guide of the CBME Dashboards, including the Visual Dashboard (new in 2022), please see the Competence Committee Entrada guide.
- To access the CBME Dashboard and Assessment pages, click on the Assessment & Evaluation icon located in the top right corner.
- Select the My Learners tab. All trainees currently enrolled in the program will be found here. If your program needs to update this cohort list, please contact entradacbme.support@ubc.ca
To view each trainee’s EPA information, select their Dashboard or Assessments.
Visual Summary Dashboard
In April 2022, an additional visual summary option was added to the CBME dashboards. Program directors, administrators and Competence Committee members can all access the full visual summary dashboard, and residents have a visual summary of their own EPA data.
- After logging into Entrada, click on the Assessments & Evaluations task list icon at the top right of the page.
- Select the My Learners tab to access the main program dashboard.
- From the tab menu below the filter options, select Visual Summary.
- You will be directed to the Visual Summary dashboard.
Normative Assessment View
The Normative Assessment view displays a summary of resident progress for the entire program. Sort by total completed EPAs, achievement rate based on entrustment rating (i.e. o-score), progress percentage, and achieved vs. total completed EPAs. Use the drop-down menu to view a summary of this data across all stages of training or by specific stage.
Resident Metrics
To view assessment data for an individual resident, select the “Resident Metrics” tab on the left of the visual summary. Select a resident name from the drop-down menu, which lists all trainees sorted by stage of training. (Residents also have this version of the Visual Summary on their own accounts.)
The blue, green and red boxes show the amalgamated metrics for EPAs completed by the selected resident. The chart to the right visualizes the weekly EPA acquisition rate over the last six months.
A date filter option can be accessed via the calendar icon. Click this to highlight assessments in a certain time period. The assessments in the selected time period turn from regular round points to diamond shaped points.
Clicking the book icon opens a table displaying detailed information for EPA observations. Sort or search this table by selecting column headers or typing into the field below. This information can also be seen by hovering over individual EPAs in the o-score chart above.
The info icon displays the same assessment plan progress badge that is also visible in the learner’s main CBME Dashboard. Please see the explanation of this feature there.
Promoting residents (approving EPAs)
Note: All PDs, Competency Committee members, and PAs will be able to access all resident profiles in that program and have the ability to approve by stage or by EPA. If a Competence Committee member cannot access the program dashboard please see the instructions above for updating their permissions in Course Setup.
- In the resident’s CBME dashboard, click the grey circles to mark either an EPA or an entire stage of discipline as achieved.
- A pop-up dialogue will appear to confirm the EPA as completed.
- Once approval is complete a green checkmark will appear both on the program and on the resident’s dashboard. The program dashboard will show this EPA or stage as green or achieved regardless of the number of requirements completed by the resident.
View of approved EPA on the resident dashboard:
View of approved EPA on the program dashboard:
Assessment form flags ("prompted responses")
“Prompted responses” are any flagged items on an EPA. At UBC, EPAs include a professionalism or safety flag, but faculty members can also leave a flagged comment with feedback on the EPA form. When a resident’s EPA is flagged, an email notification goes out to the PA and PD, but all current program prompted responses can be viewed and managed within Entrada.
To access them, click on your Assessment & Evaluation badge, you will only see a Prompted Responses tab if you have any prompted responses for your program.
Once you have clicked the Prompted Responses tab, you will see a table displaying a list of your prompted response notifications, the course (i.e. program) it belongs to, and the owner, target, and review the status of each task.
To see details about any of the flags, click on the title of the EPA and scroll to the bottom of the form. In the Prompted Responses Section you can leave comments and check to see whether another program staff member has reviewed or commented on the flag.
Comments can only be viewed by other prompted response recipients and administrators associated with the program. These review indicators and comments are not visible to residents or assessors.
Completing form on behalf of a resident or faculty (ad-hoc)
Occasionally, the program will need to complete and submit a form on behalf of a resident or faculty member (if, for example, the form was completed on paper). PAs and PDs have access to do this on behalf of a resident.
- Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation and select Record Assessment.
- Select the resident, assessor, and date of encounter.
- Complete the form on behalf of resident or assessor and submit.
- Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation and select Record Assessment.
Extracting EPA reports
The Assessment Tool Data Extract report provides program directors and administrators with an alternative to viewing EPA completion data in the CBME Dashboards. To pull the CSV file report, open the Admin tab, choose Assessment and Evaluation.
- In the Reports tab, scroll down to the Assessment Tool Data Extract option under the Assessment heading. Fill out the report form with your program, curriculum year, form type and EPA. Each EPA will produce a separate report, which can then be collated and adapted for program use.
Mobile Access
Mobile View
The Entrada webpage has responsive design, making it easier to complete assessment tasks on a mobile device. UBC does not currently support an Entrada app.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA):
To keep personal information at UBC secure, faculty and staff must update their Campus-Wide Login (CWL) account to an Enhanced CWL account. This update features an additional layer of protection with multi-factor authentication (MFA) provided by Duo Security.
- Login to MFA Device Management Website
Using your CWL username and password, login to the Self-service MFA Enrollment and Device Management website at https://mfadevices.id.ubc.ca.
- Enroll your device
Follow the detailed step-by-step instructions to enroll your first device. Once you are enrolled you can manage any of the authentication methods associated with your account, including adding or removing a device.
Get help
Contact the UBC IT Service Centre if you need assistance.
Form Notes:
- The Narrative Form is called a Field Note Form in Entrada.
- MSF form templates are not currently supported in Entrada. In the interim, some programs have chosen to deliver their MSF (form 3) EPAs on a Supervisor template (form 1) in Entrada. Please inquire with PGME Entrada support for more details entradacbme.support@ubc.ca.